Zoning Department

For ALL Zoning Department related questions or requests for permits, please contact Licking Township Zoning Inspector Dave Moraine at 740-973-5042.  If Mr. Moraine is unavailable, please leave a message.

Dave Moraine, Licking Township Zoning Inspector

Phone:  (740) 973-5042
Email:   dmoraine@lickingtwplc.gov

Please contact Licking Township Zoning Inspector Dave Moraine at 740-973-5042 for assistance with Zoning Department matters (zoning permits, variances, amendments, and zoning related questions).

The Zoning Inspector is responsible for enforcement of the zoning resolution. First, the inspector is responsible for issuing all zoning permits and assuring the township that all permits are issued within the confines of the zoning resolution. Second, the inspector is responsible for referring requests for variances to the resolution to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Thirdly, the inspector is responsible for responding to all complaints of zoning violations, and taking the necessary actions to eliminate those violations, which includes referring such violations to common pleas court hearings.

The Zoning Inspector is the first point of contact for all questions regarding zoning permits, zoning questions, building on your property, etc.

Zoning Commission

The Zoning Commission is responsible for the contents of the zoning resolution. Their job is to keep the zoning resolution up to date for the protection of the township as a whole. For these purposes the zoning resolution not only includes the text, but the zoning map as well.

The Zoning Commission proposes to the Township Trustees any changes to the text or the map as they determine to be in the best interests of the township. The Trustees then, after public hearings, must act on those proposals. It takes a majority vote of the Trustees to reject a proposal of the Commission, but only two votes to accept a proposal. After a Trustee acceptance of a proposal, the public by petition in accordance with State of Ohio law may request a referendum vote on that proposal. If no referendum is requested the proposal goes into effect, and must be enforced by the Zoning Inspector and the Trustees.

Zoning Commission Members

  • Paul Matthews, Chairperson
  • Christopher Powell, Vice Chairperson
  • Edna Latham
  • Bonnie Miller

Zoning Commission Meetings/Minutes

Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals is responsible for determining whether Zoning Resolution variances fall within, or outside, the intent of the Zoning Resolution. If the Zoning Board of Appeals votes to accept the variance as within the intent of the Zoning Resolution, the Zoning Inspector issues a zoning permit. Meetings held the fourth Thursday of each month if a variance is before the board.

Board of Zoning Appeals Members

  • Phillip Jones, Chairperson
  • Rex Adkins, Vice Chairperson
  • Robert Hansberger
  • Anton Kissell
  • Huber Loewendick
  • Doug Howell - Alternate
  • Andrea M. Lynch, Fiscal Officer & Zoning Clerk

Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings/Minutes

Andrea M. Lynch, Licking Township Zoning Clerk

Email:    alynchlickingtwp@yahoo.com

The Zoning Clerk provides assistance to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Commission, & Zoning Inspector. The Zoning Clerk is responsible for assisting the Zoning Inspector with the process when a zoning variance application, text amendment application, or map change application is received. The Zoning Clerk is responsible for maintaining meeting minutes for the Zoning Boards and filing all zoning amendments.

If you have a question regarding Licking Township Zoning, zoning permits, building on your property, or and other zoning questions, please contact the Licking Township Zoning Inspector.