Licking Township News

Licking Township Fire Company Job Opening - Fire Chief

Licking Township is accepting applications for the position of Fire Chief. Licking Township is located in Licking County, Ohio, United States, with 4,800 residents.

Job Posting Information & Requirements

Seeking Candidates for Zoning Commission Board & Board of Zoning Appeals

The Licking Township Trustees are accepting resumes/letters of interest from township residents through 8/31/24, for the following:

  • One permanent and two alternate members to serve on the Licking Township Zoning Commission
  • Two alternate members to serve on the Licking Township Board of Zoning Appeals.

Seeking Candidates for Zoning Commission Board & Board of Zoning Appeals

Road Repaving Schedule

Licking Township was recently awarded an OPW grant to partially fund the resurfacing of the following township road. The project start date is July 1st with a required end date by October 30th. Please see the list of roads being resurfaced in our community.

Community Planning Information

PowerPoint presentation from the Community Planning Meeting on 5/8/2024.

Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Draft and Survey Results

Civility Pledge

View the Licking Township Board of Trustees Civility Pledge

2023 Financial Report

The unaudited Financial Report for Licking Township for FYE 2023 is complete. The report is available for inspection here.

By the Order of Andrea M. Lynch, Fiscal Officer

Upcoming Events

For upcoming Licking Township events, please visit our events calendar.

Letter to Residents - July 2024

Residents of Licking Township:

As we turn the calendar over to the “dog days of summer” we wanted to share how things are heating up around the township…

First, we are pleased to announce that Licking Township is the recipient of an OPW Grant for a major road resurfacing project again this year! A total of 13 roads in Avondale will be re-surfaced beginning in July with completion slated by October 30th. The total cost of the project is $213,130.00 however, thanks to the OPW grant, we will only pay 26% of the total cost. You read it right…Licking Township will only pay $55,413.80 for the entire project. Not only is this great news for the safety of the traveling public but is an excellent use of alternative funding for township projects.

We are also excited to report that things are well underway with our recent partnership with Crossroads LLC as we update our 20+ year old township comprehensive plan. The Licking Township Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has held two meetings with a 3rd meeting schedule for 7/31/24! On May 20th, 2024, the responses from the township survey were gathered and the results are in. Please check out the survey results and talking points from the most recent steering committee meeting. Thank you to all who participated in the survey. These results, coupled with the input from our diverse steering committee, will prepare us to better tackle the re-tooling of the comprehensive plan as well as prepare us for the inevitable growth and development in our community.

Did you know that our road department technicians have been busy ditching, spraying, crack sealing, and mowing? By now you have probably seen the new piece of township equipment hard at work as we replaced our 21 year old boom mower with a new Case Tractor w/boom mower attachment. We will be adding pictures of our “new baby” to the Road Department page on the website soon!

Licking Township Fire Company is hard at work too. Our 1st responders have tended to 600+ fire/EMS/dive or water rescue runs so far this year. This is up from last year’s run totals. In addition, they have been hard at work completing the required equipment, hose, and gear testing. Not to mention keeping our Fire/EMS fleet maintained and ready to roll at a moments notice.

And we certainly cannot forget to mention the work being put in by our Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. We are so very proud to report that we have added some new faces to both boards and are confident that these folks are ready to roll up their sleeves and make good proactive decisions for the businesses and residents of this community.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Trustee John Holman 740-404-4721; Trustee Dave Miller 740-404-4720; or Trustee John Cormican 740-899-6451.

Wishing you all a safe and happy summer!

John Holman, Licking Township Trustee Chairman